“Outstanding leaders never started out to become leaders. They began expressing themselves in their work and, along the way, they became leaders.”
-Warren Bennis
You are more than your job. You also have a family - a personal life - a community you live in - and a spiritual life. Wisdom instructs us that leader development is about whole-life development.
Authentic Leadership, Inc. offers relationship and process to help you and your team reach competence, capability, and character.
Leader development options include:
Leadership Development For Your Staff and Volunteers
Lead, teach, pastor, or coach for any length of time, and you will discover these critical realities: your personal and professional growth precedes your ability to influence others — sustaining your leadership contribution will be different in year five than it was in year one — just because you choose to live with integrity today, it does not mean you will chose integrity tomorrow — you run out of leadership energy without integrating regenerative activities — and, you can be sure that, sooner or later, something will happen in you or around you, that will awaken you to the fact that leader development is more than just vocational effectiveness.
The process of aging as a leader can ambush and confuse the best of us. Years go by, time passes, and often we are inattentive to the changes that are taking place in and around us.
This training addresses: the two life-long works of leader development and how you can succeed at both — the three critical defining attitudes authentic leaders embrace for a life time — the six predictable phases of leader development, the purpose and lessons of each phase, where leaders get stuck, and how to grow through each phase to insure you become a fully mature leader. More information is available in the pdf download at the end of this section.
Type in 'leadership' at Amazon.com and you will discover over 180,000 books you can buy today on the subject. Google ‘leadership’ and you are looking at over 700 million hits. There is so much being written on the topic today that it's difficult to know what is core to leadership verses what are simply the latest nice ideas. Many leaders are tempted to listen to the latest loud voices in the business or ministry world, and then shape their work and ministries around those. Leadership is not just something we do from the front, it is an intimate expression of who we are, it is our being in action. Pursuing authentic leadership is the greatest gift you can give yourself, your team, your volunteers, and the people you lead. This training will help you personally make authentic leadership more than just a cool phrase.
The content includes: Where Leadership Begins — How To Live A Transformed Life — What Sinks and Sidetracks Leaders — and, the Power of a Grace-Led Life. More information is available in the pdf download at the end of this section.
Teams are critical to the success of every organization. If that’s true, why do some teams flourish while others flounder? The reality is, teams can improve if they will practice. If your team finds itself stuck, or needing to go to the next level, it is time for you to learn and implement the secret of the world’s best teams.
The Secret of Teams workshop teaches the 10 best practices of high performance teams and is designed to help you implement them into the culture of your organization. More information is available in the pdf download at the end of this section.
Have you ever stopped to think about what elevates an organization from good to great? It doesn’t happen by accident. High performance organizations are led by men and women who recognize, “What got us here won’t get us there.” As a result, these leaders are forced to lead in a different way. If you are a leader, chances are you find yourself struggling with capacity, trying to survive the increasing demands of demanding customers and improved competition. You have a choice. You can cling on to the way you have always done things, or you can build a culture of high performance.
The Chess not Checkers workshop teaches leaders the 4 moves every high performance organization makes to separate themselves from the competition, and provides 12 best practices to help with implementation. If you are ready to take your organization to the next level, it is time for you to learn to play a different game. It’s your MOVE! More information is available in the pdf download at the end of this section.
What happens when a leader (and his or her team) live month after month in the fast lane without pausing? The pace of modern culture crushes them — and that's trouble. It's trouble because relationships get fragmented, perspective is lost, life is skimmed, and the quiet voice of sanity becomes distant and silent. PAUSE is a brief break taken before doing something important. The 'something important' is your life — lived today, tomorrow and this next year. PAUSE allows you and your team a brief intermission to sort out the key lessons of last year, listen to one another, and set direction for the upcoming season. Wise leaders take the time to be sure the leadership engine is running smoothly. Is it time for you to PAUSE? More information is available in the pdf download at the end of this section.
Personal Leadership Coaching
Every leader wants to live with a clear and compelling vision for his or her life and then create a workable plan to get there. To experience this, he or she must step out of the rat race to assess where they are and where they want to go. Dan’s personal leadership coaching is a proven transformational process that brings clarity and purpose for the remainder of life. This day-and-a-half personal one-on-one leadership summit creates the blueprint for your desired future. The process includes six months of life-coaching following your time with Dan.
If you are at a moment of perilous transition OR have plateaued in your development OR even if you’ve reached rarified levels of success — personal leadership coaching can set you up for the person you want to be and the life you want to live. More information is available in the pdf download at the end of this section.
Customized Leadership Development
Your organization, non-profit, or ministry is unique. You have leaders you are trying to develop and people (or clients) you are attempting to serve. Authentic Leadership, Inc. delights in helping you create a customized leadership development plan to get you where you want to go. We begin with you — your vision and goals — and we go from there to create a world class process to move you ahead.